Saturdays @ the South: Read it before you see it? That is the question.

I spent a lovely and engaging seven weeks watching Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell on BBC America, the adaptation of Susannah Clarke’s tome set in a magic-infused England that, sadly, ended last Saturday. The show was fantastic; magical, funny and suspenseful in all the right places. This mini-series was an unusual experience for me because … Continue reading Saturdays @ the South: Read it before you see it? That is the question.

Saturdays @ the South: Chocolate

I tried to think of a better title for this week’s post, maybe something with a pun like last week’s post or something more attention-grabbing, but then I thought, what’s more attention-grabbing than chocolate in its purest, unadulterated form? So the simple title stays in the hopes that chocolate lovers will naturally gravitate towards something … Continue reading Saturdays @ the South: Chocolate