Welcome to the Creativity Lab!
The Creativity Lab is a community makerspace with the mission to provide all visitors with the space, tools, and learning opportunities they need to become inspired creators and explorers of art, technology, science, and fabrication.
The Creativity Lab is located in the Lower Level of the Main Library at 82 Main Street, Peabody.
For more information about the tools and services we have available, Click Here!
Open Lab Hours
Tuesdays- Session 1 (5:30-6:30 PM)
Session 2 (6:45—7:30 PM)

Upcoming Creativity Lab Events
Maker Registration
Everyone who uses the Creativity Lab must read and agree to the Creativity Lab policies, and register as a Maker. Please read our policies below, and fill out our online Maker Registration Form. See you in the Lab!
Creativity Lab Maker Policies
The Peabody Institute Library’s Creativity Lab provides all community members with the place, tools and learning opportunities to become inspired creators and explorers of science, art, technology and fabrication. The Peabody Institute Library will make every attempt to ensure the safe operation of the equipment and the space, and assumes no liability for injury or theft. Users agree to follow policies and procedures as established for the purpose of safety and fair use of the equipment and the space.
“Maker” refers to the person using Peabody Institute Library Creativity Lab equipment. In the case of a minor under age 18, the parent or guardian assumes responsibility for the terms of this agreement.
- Maker agrees to refrain from engaging in any behavior that may create an unsafe environment for him/herself, other users, and/or library staff.
- Prior to using the Creativity Lab for the first time, makers must complete maker registration and liability forms. Makers must sign a liability waiver and verify their identity with a valid photo ID prior to attending a program or Open Lab. A minor’s identity may be verified by a parent or guardian with a valid photo ID. Valid photo IDs are valid state-issued driver’s licenses, state-issued identification cards, or a valid passport.
- Makers must “check in” with the staff member on duty and sign the guest book each time they use the Peabody Institute Library Creativity Lab. Library staff, at their discretion, reserve the right to require a photo I.D. or proof of identification.
- Open Lab hours are provided for independent work under staff supervision. These hours will be determined by the Programming Librarian and may change from time to time. Open Lab participants must be age 13 or older. Makers between the ages of 9 and 12 may attend Open Labs with a parent/ guardian. During Open Lab time, certain pieces of equipment may be restricted by age and may require safety and/or instructional training.
- Makers must participate in mandatory training in order to use selected equipment and may not use these tools until training has been completed. Makers must attend trainings in person. When using a tool that does not require training, the maker is certifying that he/she is capable of using that item in a safe and proper manner. Peabody Institute Library Creativity Lab staff will be available to assist in explaining operation of tools and equipment as time allows and will provide manuals and/or documentation, if available, upon request.
- The Peabody Institute Library provides the maker with access to safety supplies in the Lab, including safety goggles, masks, gloves, first aid kits, and fire extinguishers. Safety equipment must be used as posted.
- The maker agrees that the Peabody Institute Library is not responsible for the quality of, or manufacturing defects in, tools or equipment.
- The maker agrees that if any tool or piece of equipment becomes unsafe, or is in a state of disrepair, he/she will immediately discontinue use of the tool and notify the Peabody Institute Library Creativity Lab staff.
- The maker must report to staff on duty any accident or incident that occurs on the Peabody Institute Library Creativity Lab premises.
- Most tools and equipment are available to makers on a first-come, first-served basis, for use in the Creativity Lab space only. Selected equipment/tools may be reserved in advance. Time limits may apply during periods of heavy use.
- Items used in the Lab must be returned by the maker to their original location. Storage units and spaces are labeled in order to facilitate the proper return of tools. Users are to return tools to staff if unsure of proper storage space.
- Items used in the Lab are to be returned in the same condition as they were issued, barring normal wear and tear. All items must be returned clean. The maker agrees to pay for the loss of or damage to any items and further agrees to accept the Library staff’s assessment of fair restitution for damage, dirtiness, delinquency and/or loss of items in part or total. This restitution amount could equal as much as the replacement cost of the item.
- The maker agrees to take precautions to avoid causing unnecessary mess or damage in the Peabody Institute Library Creativity Lab. The maker agrees to clean up his/her workspace in the Peabody Institute Library Creativity Lab following use, returning the workspace to its original state. The maker agrees to inform the Staff member in the case that he/she is unable to return a work surface, tool or equipment to its original state.
- With the exception of covered containers of water, food and drink are not allowed in the Creativity Lab. However, library staff reserve the right to exercise discretion at events or programs to allow for food and drink when deemed appropriate.
- The maker acknowledges that the library is able to provide free consumable materials on a limited basis. The maker agrees to avoid wasting consumable supplies and materials. Selected materials may be available for purchase. Library staff reserves the right to limit or prohibit the use of consumables and/or tools not provided by the Peabody Institute Library Creativity Lab.
- If the staff in charge is of the opinion that a maker is not qualified to use equipment, staff may limit further use of equipment until adequate training is provided.
- Library staff is not responsible for lost or stolen material, whether physical, intellectual, or digital. Makers agree to comply with all applicable local, state and federal regulations, including copyright law.
- Makers may not use Creativity Lab tools or materials to make weapons or components of weapons.
- In all cases, library staff reserves the right to exercise discretion to ensure public safety and fair use of the Creativity Lab.
- Library staff reserve the right to change policies at any time. Policies currently in effect are posted on the Creativity Lab website and are available upon request.
Creativity Lab FAQs
What do I need to do to use the Creativity Lab?
Anybody who is using the Lab’s equipment for the first time must register with us as a maker. To register, you must fill out our registration form, sign our liability waiver (copies available at the Lab and can be signed on the day of your visit), and show a valid photo ID. While walk-ins are welcome during Open Lab and Teen Makers, most of our tool-specific classes and other programs require you to sign up in advance on the library events calendar.
Do I need to make an appointment to use the Creativity Lab?
No. Any registered maker (see previous question) can use the Lab during our public hours, subject to age restrictions.
May I still make an appointment if I wish to?
We currently do not accept appointments with individual patrons. If you represent a school or other organization interested in making a private group visit to the Creativity Lab, please contact us by email or phone.
Do I have to be a Peabody resident to use the Creativity Lab?
No; there are no residence restrictions for use of the Lab.
Do I have to be pay to use the Creativity Lab?
No, but we charge for some consumable materials (see the Tools & Materials page). For most materials (such as 3D printer filament or wood for the laser cutter), we do not charge for smaller projects. We also accept donations.
How do I donate to the Creativity Lab?
We accept cash, checks, and materials (e.g. fabric, electronics components, woodworking tools, and so on). Please make checks out to the Friends of the Peabody Institute Libraries. If donating materials, please call us first to make sure we can accept them.
I want to make something in the Creativity Lab, but I don't know how to make it. Can you help with that?
Yes. During Open Lab and Teen Makers, trained staff will be on hand to assist you with unfamiliar tools and projects.
I'm interested in using a tool during Open Lab, but the Tools section says I need to be trained before I can use it. How do I get trained in the use of a tool?
You have two options. If you attend a class in that tool (see our Calendar for upcoming classes), you will be authorized to use that tool in Open Lab after you have completed the class. If you come to Open Lab and ask for help with that tool, staff may be available to assist you. If so, you will be authorized to use the tool on your own after staff has walked you through your first use of that tool.
Thank You to our Funders and Community Partners
The Creativity Lab depends on the support of many funders and community partners. The following organizations have been instrumental in making this project a reality and supporting us as we grow.
- ArcWorks Community Art Center
- City of Peabody
- Century Bank
- Cell Signaling Technology
- Eastern Bank
- The Friends of the Peabody Institute Libraries
- Helen M. Sawitsky Trust
- Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners- LSTA Funding
- Montserrat College of Art
- North Shore Community Action Program
- North Shore Workforce Investment Board
- Peabody Community Development Authority
- The Peabody Institute Library Foundation
- Peabody Police Department
- Peabody Public Schools
- Peabody TV
- Salem Five Bank Charitable Foundation
- Salem State University
- Torigian Family YMCA
Email: creativitylab@noblenet.org | Phone: 978-531-0100 x22