Saturdays @ the South: Happy New Year!

A comet is expected to be visible this New Year’s Eve, so if you’re in a position to look up at a night sky, a natural fireworks show might reveal itself. Photo credit: NASA

I’ll be honest with you; I’m not a fan of New Years celebrations. Like author Veronica Roth (of the Divergent series), I find that if change is necessary, I don’t need a specific day in order to make it. If it’s truly important to me, I think change can happen when it’s needed the most, not on an arbitrary deadline. However, she recently wrote a blurb that was posted on GoodReads that makes an interesting point about theĀ attribution of power that comes with giving days meaning and offers a delightful challenge for the coming year. Her Sit, Stand, Stretch philosophy is simple and whether or not you adopt it, I encourage you to read it.

Given Roth’s considerations, I think it’s worth taking a look back at 2016 and deciding what we’d like to be different in the coming year. This is intensely personal and whether, like me, you’re ecstatic to leave 2016 behind, or you’re sad to see it go, these decisions are yours alone to make. One thing that will not change, is the Library’s commitment to our patrons, in whatever capacity you use our services. We’re here for you no matter who you are or what you decide to change, or not, in 2017. (Though if you resolve to use the Library more, we certainly won’t argue…) We hope to do more in the coming year that will make the Library an even greater value to its community and look forward to providing you with more bookish advice and musings.

Till next week, dear readers, whether you’re staying cozy warm indoors this New Year’s Eve or venturing out to celebrate, I wish you a safe, healthy and happy 2017.
